

 We are 100% run by volunteers!

If you have a few free hours that you can dedicate,
or a skill that can be shared, we would be happy if you focus in our direction.

Join our Dream Committee

At the very core of our Mission, this committee meets every month.  Volunteers work in pairs to interview eligible children at their home.  These volunteers then prepare a report, as well as a budget, to submit to the Board of Directors for final approval.

Once approved, these volunteers plan and fulfill the Dream in its entirety.

Contact us NOW to be a part of the action.

Host a Fundraiser

Other organizations or companies can create and host their own unique fundraisers on our behalf:

Host a CASUAL FRIDAY or JEANS DAY at your office;


Church or Scouting Group;

Or start a company-wide CHARITY DRIVE.

We will gladly work with you and provide any assistance you may need!

Contact us NOW with your innovative ideas.

Help us Spread our Mission

We are always looking for experienced, knowledgeable

marketing assistance, as well as help in maintaining (and improving) our visibility across multiple Social Media platforms.

Check out our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

Contact us NOW to help better reach our Community. 

Corporate and Foundation Funding

We are not part of a larger organization, nor are we a member of the United Way.  All our funding comes from local Businesses, Corporations, and Charitable Donations.

If your company is interested in fundraising for our cause,

we would welcome your support.

We are also always looking for Volunteers with Grant-Writing experience, to help us apply for various Grants and Donations.

Contact us NOW to offer your support.

Auction Gala and Golf Tournament

Our biggest fundraising event of the year, our GALA is always THEMED...and always FUN!

Dinner, Dancing, Open Bar, with Silent Auctions and Entertainment.

Our Golf Tournament offers an entertaining day out on the links!  

Contact us NOW to get involved.

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